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Gifted Eligibility

Telfair County School System recognizes the need to provide gifted education services to students who have the potential for exceptional achievement and who meet state requirements for eligibility. The academic instructional program for identified gifted students enhances and extends the common core curriculum. Students may be referred for evaluation by teachers, counselors, parents, or the students may refer themselves. Referral ensures that the student will be considered by the eligibility team, yet does not guarantee testing. Students may access gifted referral procedures without discrimination with regard to race, religion, national origin, gender, disabilities or economic background. Students must qualify within state guidelines for gifted program eligibility and placement using assessment tools that meet Georgia Department of Education standards of validity and reliability. Eligibility requirements include gathering data from four areas: mental ability, achievement, creativity and motivation. If you would like to refer a student for consideration of the gifted program, contact the student’s teacher in writing with the child’s name, the date, your signature and relation to the child. For additional information, please contact:

Lisa Jarrard                                                Wendy Lee
Gifted Coordinator                                  Gifted Facilitator
Telfair County Schools                          Telfair County Schools
229-868-5661                                          229-868-7465