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Copyright Piracy Information

Many written materials are the personal property of the author or other persons.  Copyright laws protect these ownership interests.  It is not always possible, particularly in the midst of classroom activity, to know whether a particular material is protected by copyright laws and, if so, whether a particular use is permitted as "fair use."  Therefore, students and employees should assume that any material they access on the electronic network and internet is the property of another and that use of the material is restricted by copyright laws, unless there is definitive evidence to the contrary.

Material downloaded from the electronic network and internet should not be distributed to others unless such permission is obtained from the owner of the copyright or his/her authorized representative.  Users shall not upload computer programs or software of any kind onto the electronic network and internet unless they obtain permission in advance from authorized school personnel.  Users may upload onto the electronic network and internet only material they authored or material that clearly does not belong to any other person.  The Telfair County School System accepts  no responsibility for violation of copyright laws by employees, students, or other users.